Preparing For Baby's First Year

Preparing For Baby’s First Year!

Bringing home your precious little one for the first time is a day that Mamas never forget! The true beginning of an amazing journey through motherhood. Preparation is key when it comes to transitioning baby from the womb to the real world! That’s why we are here to give you the scoop on preparing for baby’s first year! 

Preparing For Baby's First Year

Hospital Bag 

First order of business, prepping for the hospital. We’re all familiar with the visual of dad frantically running through the house grabbing whatever he can once the baby decides it is time to come! Take a little stress out of your delivery process (even if it’s the smallest amount) and prepare a hospital to go bag! We’ve scoured the internet to find your top delivery bag must haves and created this list:

#1 Toiletries

Labor is an intense process (to put it lightly). Toiletries are a must when it comes to post-delivery hospital life. Don’t forget your toothbrush, toothpaste, face wipes/face wash, and OF COURSE extra hair ties.

#2 Comfortable Clothes

Comfy clothes are an absolute must have for your hospital to go bag! Pack a nice plush robe, your favorite oversized t-shirt, and most importantly a nursing bra! We have a selection of nursing bras you can view here!

#3 An Extra Long Charging Chord

Your phone is going to need all its juice once your baby is delivered. Becoming a mother basically means you’re a photographer in a never ending photoshoot. I mean babies are so cute, who can blame you?!

#4 Baby Outfits

Now for the best part! Baby outfits! Finally, you get to dress your little peanut up in adorable baby clothes. There is an unmatched excitement at the thought of finally getting to hold your baby in your arms for the first time. The center of your world is suddenly in your hands and there is no better feeling. These are the first pieces of clothing you will ever see your mini me in and trust us it will absolutely melt your heart. Browse our baby take home outfits to find the perfect day one baby outfit! 

Milestone Blankets

Your baby’s first year is undoubtedly going to be one of the busiest times of your life. Make sure to celebrate every moment that you possibly can. Hence, why we absolutely love milestone blankets! They make for an amazing photoshoot backdrop to capture special milestones throughout your baby’s first months. What better way to document the first months of their life?! You’ll never regret taking these adorable photos to look back on when they are older. Check out Mama @jen_lilley ‘s beautiful baby girl on our Floral Milestone Blanket. So cute!

Preparing For Baby's First Year

Swaddle Blankets 

Swaddle blankets can make a huge difference when it comes to helping your baby sleep. They are designed to make your little one feel safe and secure. Not to mention they can be used as swaddles, burp cloths, lightweight blankets or even stroller covers! Practical and super versatile, the perfect blanket for any mama to have on hand! Shop our swaddle blankets here!

Baby’s First Stuffed Animal

Stuffed animals are great for a baby’s first year of life! Every baby needs a best buddy. They help newborn babies cope with the uncertainty of their new world,  providing comfort and reassurance along the way! We carry our own SMM stuffed animal called Lola the Lovie. She is made to grow along with your child and provide the security and comfort your baby needs during naps, transitions, or even during imaginary play! Mama @abravemess ‘s little boy sure does love our Lenny the Lovie and so will you! 

Preparing For Baby's First Year

Preparing For Baby's First Year

Schedule “Me” Time

Throughout the first year of motherhood, it can be difficult to find that quality “me” time that we all need. At SMM, we know how important it is to take some time for yourself. That’s why we always recommend setting out some solo mama time even if it is just for a minute. Whether it be a quick gym session, a relaxing bath, or some alone time with your coffee in the morning, either way it’s always important to take care of yourself too.

Let’s get real, the thing about motherhood is sometimes it can be a blur. There will be times that you’re so busy you won’t be able to step back and really enjoy the moment that you are in. But, that’s okay! The journey will most likely mark the happiest time of your life. Just make sure to take plenty of pictures, because it all goes by quick!

As always, Sexy Mama Maternity is here to help with any questions you may have! Let us know if you have any questions about preparing for Baby’s first year! Chat with a stylist through the website or send us an email for assistance. And don’t forget to send us your pictures! We love seeing our mamas gorgeous and glowing!

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