In these difficult times, your gender reveal plans will likely require some adjustments. We know this can be stressful during a joyful time, but Sexy Mama Maternity is here to help transition your gender reveal into the social-distancing extravaganza of the year! Transitioning to the perfect virtual gender reveal might not be as much work as you expect and will likely save you money! Read on to get your virtual party started!
Reframe Your Expectations:
It’s important to remember, life is all about perspective! You have the opportunity to involve friends and family in an exciting moment in your life. A positive attitude will create a positive experience for you, your significant other, and your virtual guests. We need joy more than ever and you and your bump have the opportunity to spread the love!
(@alilevinedesign going big for her baby girl!)
Invitations: Ditch the Paper & Go Online
In the spirit of an e-party, your invites should be online and communal in nature. Create an event on Facebook or go old school and design an Evite! Both platforms have the option for RSVP, comments, conversation between invitees. Be sure to include your platform selection, a start and end time time, dress code, and other traditional details found on invites. Consider starting a little pool for bets on the sex of your baby! On the plus side, with the majority of the country participating in a “stay at home order” your virtual gender reveal should have perfect attendance!
Ideas: Suggest that your guests bring a champagne glass for a cheers towards the end.
Platform Selection:
Consider platforms such as: Zoom, Houseparty, Facebook Live, Skype, FaceTime Group (iPhone only).
Wardrobe & Decor:
(@courtneyb619 wear her Sexy Mama Gender Reveal Dress)
Stick to the theme of your dreams, but keep it simple! In some ways, your long distance gender reveal will offer more opportunity for photos than a traditional shower. With less distractions, you’ll have more time to snap the perfect pictures! You are the centerpiece of your party, which means the perfect gender reveal outfit is a MUST! Shop Sexy Mama Maternity dresses and gowns, all available in 40 colors! (Click on any photo in this post to shop your favorite look!) Once your wardrobe is on its way, it’s time to decide where you will display decor. Keep in mind, you will want your gender reveal decor to be compact enough for virtual guests to enjoy, but spread out enough for optimal photos.
Remember, Amazon is still delivering and Target curbside is an option in many locations. If you plan to order online from a local venue or party supply store, be sure to check with them ahead of time regarding delivery options and hours of operation.
(@honestlymommy keeping it casual in Sexy Mama Bumperalls)
Take an hour or so BEFORE your party begins to document your bump! Snap candid silly shots as well! If there is an additional person in your household, ask them take photos of you and your significant other together. This is the time to show off your outfit, theme, and most importantly the love you’ve worked so hard to create. If there isn’t a photographer in your inner circle, invest in an affordable tripod. Set the timer on your iPhone or camera and snap away!
(@alilevenedesign wearing Sexy Mama Maternity for her “Waddle it Be” Reveal)
You have an opportunity to capture photos that many forget to take during the hustle and bustle of an in person party. There is a silver lining to your virtual gender reveal after all! Continue to take photos and video throughout your reveal. Be sure your video is set up properly before you begin your party! You’ll want to remember this unique and special day and share with your future bundle of joy.
The Reveal:
(Wearing a neutral gold gown @melissa.ann.beni)
Luckily, entertainment is easy to accomplish in a remote setting ~ after all, it is 2020!
Confetti Cans: Pull the string and let it rain blue or pink! Easy to accomplish and available at various online retailers.
Balloon Boxes: Have a loved one prepare a he or she ballon box. Open the bottoms and let the colored balloons fly!
Cut the Cake: Does Grandma need something to do during quarantine!? It’s time for her to create the perfect gender reveal cake! Use food coloring inside to determine the sex or your baby. It’s a big bonus that you’ll have a cake and very few guests to share it with! Your local grocery store may also be able to accommodate your gender reveal cake needs with a few days notice.
Batters Up: Dads love this one! Fill that colored ball and pitch him the news.
Piñata: Get a little exercise on this fun reveal idea. Swing, swing, swing until the news falls out. Be sure to add some treats in addition to the colored news.
Smoke Bombs: Easy fun that creates amazing photos! Be ready to snap away when the smoke starts to rise.
Punt it: A Daddy Favorite! Fill that football with confetti and punt away.
Pin the Parts of the Baby: Blind fold mom and spin her around. Give her a the correct “parts” to pin on the baby and send her in the right direction. Once the blind fold comes off she will know along with the rest of you.
Pop the Belly: Just like the old fair game! A wall of balloons and darts will create a fun reveal. Keep throwing until you pop the balloon with the news.
Fireworks: Go big or go home! For an evening reveal, fireworks can create just the drama you were hoping for.
(@natmeza13 in her Sexy Mama Crossbust Dress)
Stay true to the budget you put forth for your gender reveal. Spend responsibly, but also allow yourself the reveal you deserve. If you are receiving a refund or any kind or saving on not hosting guests, put aside some of those funds for a “Meet the Baby” at a later date.
Final Words:
With the proper planning and a little flexibility, we promise you will have the gender of your dreams! With less activity, and frankly less to get excited about, your gender reveal has the ability to bring your friends and family together in a unique way.
Please reach out to the experts at Sexy Mama Maternity for assistance with your virtual gender reveal. For help with sizing and styling, use the chat feature at the bottom right of your browser or email us! We can’t wait to see your photos!